About 80% of the population are affected by skin fungus. Due to the increased density and sweating, mycoses are more affected by the skin on the feet. Fungal infection manifests itself as peeling and itching, but it can also be asymptomatic and only cause the appearance of seals (calluses, corns - hyperkeratosis on the heels and arches of the feet). If left untreated, the infection will spread. The patient can infect others and spread germs in his own body.
Where does the fungus come from

Fungal microorganisms love a humid and warm environment and an abundance of nutrients. They use dense skin as a "refuge", which tends to produce increased fat and sweat secretion.
Human feet - always serve as a favorable breeding ground for mycobacteria, poor quality socks and shoes contribute to this.
You can get infected in a public place - on the beach, in the sauna, in the swimming pool. You can bring the infection with you when you try on new shoes, as the day before a person with mycosis of the feet was able to measure it.
Some internal factors also increase susceptibility to fungus:
- Immunodeficiency - fungi reject the body's defenses, if they are weakened, microorganisms can more easily penetrate the skin;
- endocrine disorders - diabetes mellitus and hormonal imbalances change the composition of skin secretions, making them a breeding ground for bacteria;
- persistent injuries - cracks, chafing, scratches, and punctures can be the gateway for fungi;
- Poor hygiene - poor foot washing, the use of dirty socks and airtight shoes all contribute to fungal growth on the limbs.
Infection is also possible from a loved one - if there is a patient in the house or a carrier of the fungus with an asymptomatic course of the disease. Disputes about pathogenic microorganisms spread to household appliances, personal belongings, gender (if the patient moves barefoot). When washing the belongings of all residents of the house, mycobacteria get on the clothes of healthy family members, they can provoke mycoses not only on the feet, but also on other parts of the body (in the folds, groin, hairy areas of the body).
Why does the fungus appear between your fingers?
The interdigital fungus is a special clinical form of foot mycosis. Doctors call it intertriginous. In this course, the skin is affected between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 toes. Often the pathological process begins on one limb and eventually spreads to a healthy one.

Mycosis begins by cracking the skin between the toes or at the base of the phalanx on the foot. The size of the injury can be 2-3 mm to 1 cm. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the area of the wound - the larger the injury, the more severe the pain. At the time of the appearance of the crack, the person experiences slight discomfort when walking, which increases with hygiene measures.
Unlike other injuries, the tear does not heal on its own. It becomes inflamed, secretes exudate. The surface between the fingers gets wet, which further contributes to the spread of the fungus to larger areas of the skin. A "fringe" appears around the injury - it is steamed, peeled skin. The detachment is quite thick, attempts to remove it with your fingers will result in injuries to healthy areas of the skin. Persistent peeling occurs around the lesion. It can be lamellar or floury. The scales are silvery, white, yellowish. These characteristics depend on the load on the fungus that infects the skin. After the crack heals, the intriginous form of mycosis turns into squamous epithelium - it manifests itself as extensive dry areas on the foot with an abundance of flaked scales. The surface can be glossy or fabric-like.
What to do with fungal symptoms
If you have a crack between your fingers that is surrounded by loose skin, be sure to see a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and determine the symptoms not only on the site of the injury, but also on other parts of the limb.
A diagnosis cannot be made based on symptoms alone. A microscopic examination of the abrasions on the foot is required to confirm the fungus. In the case of resistant mycosis, it is supplemented by PCR analysis or culture inoculation to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to fungicides.
In advanced cases of fungus or extensive lesions of the dermis, systemic drugs are required. Due to the likelihood of hepato- and nephrotoxic effects of such drugs, the patient should be subjected to blood and urine tests. Based on their results, the specialist evaluates the function of vital organs and selects a treatment regimen with systemic antifungal drugs.
Self-medication for fungal infections of the feet is only permitted in the early stages. You can get by with topical medications that have no systemic side effects.
Effective remedies against interdigital fungus
The therapeutic characteristics depend on the patient's individual data, the degree of mycoses, the lesion area, the presence of a secondary infection or the resistance of the pathogen.
Systemic drugs
To speed up and complete treatment, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs in the form of tablets or capsules.
When treating with systemic drugs, it is undesirable to consume alcohol, fatty foods, and other foods that put a strain on the liver. If the infection has spread from the interdigital space to the nails, prolonged use of antifungal drugs is required.
Local remedies
For the treatment of interdigital fungus, drugs on a moderately fatty or non-fatty basis (creams, solutions) are prescribed. Ointments can be used only at the initial stage, when skin softening is necessary for rapid healing of lesions. Along the way, antifungal and antiseptic agents can be prescribed. They accelerate the regeneration process and make rough skin additionally soft.
For the treatment of fungus on the feet, external means with broad spectrum fungicidal components are prescribed. Ideal for products based on:
- Terbinafine;
- Clotrimazole;
- Ketoconazole;
- Econazole;
- naftifina.
The price does not affect the success of the treatment, it is important to choose the right active ingredient of the drug.
Creams and solutions are applied to the skin 1-2 times a day after hygiene measures. After processing, the product is allowed to completely absorb and wear cotton socks. In parallel, the shoes must be disinfected every 3-7 days. Fungicidal sprays are used for this. Regular replacement of socks, underwear and towels is required. It is necessary to wash used items at elevated temperatures separately from other accessories belonging to the patient and family members.
With trichophytosis and microsporia, doctors recommend special treatment regimens. For example, treatment with iodine solution in the morning and sulfur, sulfur-tar or salicylic ointment in the evening.
Home remedies
They can not be treated for a fungus only with folk methods. Baths are allowed alongside medication. If the doctor has recommended the use of homemade ointments or formulations, they should be used separately from pharmaceutical preparations. For example, use a ready-made medicine in the morning and evening, and a homemade ointment in the afternoon. The most popular methods of treating a fungus among people:
- Oak bark baths- make a large amount of broth from oak bark (6 tablespoons per 1 liter), cut in half with clean water, bathe for 15 minutes a day;
- with Seasalt- prepare a strong solution of sea salt, take a bath for 10 minutes, do not wash off the salt, put on cotton socks immediately after the procedure;
- with soda- dilute a tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of water, bathe for 15 minutes, after wiping off, apply pharmaceutical antifungal drugs;
- Egg ointment- 1 chicken egg is mixed with a tablespoon of oil and vinegar, mixed smoothly, applied under the bag for 3-4 hours, washed off with water;
- Tea tree- Areas affected by the fungus are abundantly lubricated with tea tree essential oil, washed off after 3 hours, with sensitivity, the oil is diluted in half with neutral fats.
A quick cure for the fungus is facilitated by refusing sweets, alcohol, and fatty foods. The patient's diet should include plenty of vegetables, fermented dairy products, and whole grains.
To avoid fungal growth on the feet and between the toes, you should pay close attention to your foot hygiene. When visiting public places, avoid going barefoot, use means for the prevention of fungus - all antifungal ointments or sprays are applied after a shower. New shoes should only be measured in new socks, your slippers should not be given to anyone.